Cynical Dad 3.0 (A Love Letter To John & Kristen)

It's spring, so that must mean it's time for a site redesign.

See that groovy logo above? And the cool parking meter on the left? Those were designed by my two new best friends in the whole universe, John & Kristen from Fringelements (and also of Home On The Fringe). They offered to make me a new logo after I tweaked their template a bit so I decided, "Sure. Why not? After all, it's not like I have a real logo anyway. It's just a font."

So John asked me if I had any must-have thematic elements in mind. My lame response?

"I'd like it to be edgy, cool, and hip. But I have no idea what that means."

As you can see, they did!

They gave me several different logos to choose from. And they were all so amazing, I had trouble picking just one from the lot. So much trouble, in fact, that I couldn't let the parking meter from one of their logos go to waste, so I put it under the Background Info section and am planning on using it as a gravatar. Plus, I figure six months down the road when I'm a BlogRockStar, that meter would look cool as hell on a t-shirt.

I was kidding about that last part. But that parking meter would look very nice on a t-shirt, no?

Anyway, if you want to spruce up totally revamp your own site, you really should contact John & Kristen.

I now feel like I have a real site.


Izzy from IzzyMom tagged me with the 6 Weird Things About You meme. Since I did something like this back in February (only it was 10 weird things) and because I still haven't fully recovered from my vacation, I'm going to be lazy and simply reprint my answers from the first time:
  • I named my daughter after one of my favorite bands.
  • When I was in my mid 20s, I had a fear of the police. This fear kept me from driving on interstates for two years.
  • Since I mentioned this in an email to one of my WebFriends last night, I'll share it with all of you: I once received twenty-six death threats in the span of nineteen days. All were poems. Not fun, especially when you're paranoid to begin with.
  • I get my hair cut twice a year. I'm currently overdue.
  • I can touch my nose with my goatee.
  • The fact that I know I can touch my nose with my goatee is probably weird in and of itself.
  • I went through a five-year period where I would dress up as a dead celebrity for Halloween. One year, I went as Kurt Cobain. I had a ratty cardigan sweater, thermal t-shirt, and a blonde wig that Ella and I streaked with fake blood. We also created a huge shotgun wound for the side of my head. Incidentally, Ella was Betty Lou from Sesame Street that year. This was long before we had kids.
  • I have been mentioned in a book on screenwriting and a book on cults. How's that for diversity?
  • When I find a new song I really like, I have a tendency to play it OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER until I start singing it in my sleep or Ella threatens to slash my throat with the CD, whichever comes first.
  • I have a B-I-G fear of birds and needles. If a bird ever flew at me with a needle in its beak, I would probably have a heart attack and die on the spot.
Next time, I promise to do a better job.