Spell Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

My wife is a poor speller. Therefore, Spell Check is her crutch and her best friend. But like so many things in life you trust and love, there comes a time when they eventually let you down, most often when you need them the most.

Oops. Don't know where that came from. Just Reason 4,173 why this site is called Cynical Dad and not Warm And Fuzzy Daddy.

Anyway, Spell Check let her down.

Wouldn't it be great if Spell Check knew what word you're trying to use and tell you if you're using the correct word, like their instead of they're (I actually found a few mistakes on my site the other night while I was checking out my new template on various pages (and did I mention my logo was designed by John & Kristen of Fringelements?))? Yes, in a perfect world, Spell Check would not only check the spelling, but idiot-proof your writing as well.

But this is not a perfect world. Just ask Ella.

See, her best friend from high school is getting remarried soon and Ella is throwing a bridal shower for her. Since Ella's friend already owns most of the things one normally gives young brides and grooms who are just starting out, the bride is asking for money instead (which Ella silently objects to, but one must go along with the bride's wishes). So Ella included the following on the shower invitations she printed and sent out last week:

The bride is registered at [name of store]
Monetary gifts are also appreciated

Only she put the following:

Monitory gifts are also appreciated

Spell Check did not catch the word monitory because it is spelled correctly. If you're like me and have no idea what the word monitory means, the definition is as follows: conveying an admonition or a warning. Now, if there is ever a time when gifts of warnings are appropriate, it's definitely at a bridal shower. But I don't think the bride will appreciate monitory gifts.

Luckily, no one has caught her error (at least no one has mentioned it to her). Yet.

Reader Participation Time

Have you ever done something like this? Placed a word in an important document that had the opposite meaning of your desired word? Please share. It'll make Ella feel better.