Pimping Me, Pimping You

I'm A Tramp

My site has been named a finalist for a Weblog Award in the Best Parenting Blog category. I realize I have no chance of winning this thing. I mean, I'm up against Dooce, Suburban Bliss, and Blogging Baby; sites that probably get more traffic in the time it took me to write this sentence than I get in a week. Not to mention eleven other sites that are probably more worthy of your vote than Cynical Dad. If you feel like voting (for me or any other finalist), click here.

Trench Warfare

There's a new site that was launched last week by Candace, Susan from Friday Playdate, and Mary P from It's Not All Mary Poppins called In The Trenches. Rather than trying to explain to you what the site is about, I'll let site creator Candace take it away:

I want this to be a place where parents of challenging children can come to commiserate and get ideas. I want this to be a place where people who have challenging children in their lives (aunts, uncles, daycare providers, teachers, etc.) can come to share stories, to learn things, and yes, to vent, because those of us who love challenging children need to vent, without judgment. I also want this to be a place where good days can be celebrated.

I think it's a great idea and will be a great resource for parents with challenging kids (or parents with kids who can be challenging at times). Check out In The Trenches.

Because I Don't Write About Bodily Functions Enough

Over at Blogging Baby, Sarah Gilbert posted a story that had me almost crying from laughing so hard. What's worse than misplacing your child? Today's low point: losing my child. Now, with poop.

As If I Haven't Asked Enough From You Already

I posted this the other week at DadCentric and got a few responses, but I'm still undecided. I'm thinking about buying Zoey either a V-Smile or InteracTV for Christmas. Have you had any experience with either of these devices? Is one better than another? My daughter is three, but I would like something that can advance as she does. Or is there something out there now that's better than either of those? Any suggestions/comments are very welcome.

More Fun With Google

Currently, I'm staring at a Google Ad on my site that reads "Get $400 For Your Child." There are days when I wouldn't sell them for any amount of money, days when I'd sell them for a quarter, and days where I'd pay you to take them.

What? That's not what they're talking about? Sorry.