Stuff I Don't Understand, Volume 14001

So I'm sitting there, waiting for the guys at the dealership to change the oil in my car. Because I don't know how to do things like this for myself. Yeah.

I'm sitting there with about five other guys. No women. Sausagefest.

Rachel Ray was on TV. There was no remote in sight, so I tried my damnedest to telekinetically change the channel to Sportscenter. No magic today.

So I sat there and watched Rachel Ray. She was cooking something. Some sort of lasagna. And after every other step, the crow would cheer.

"And now I'm going to add the squash"


"Put the noodles on top."

"Add some cheese."


What the hell? I don't watch cooking shows, so I don't know if this is par for the course, but when did we get so damned excited about cooking steps?