It's That Time Again

You know the drill by now. Here are some recent interesting/amusing/demented search phrases people have used to get to my site:

what to do when your bored with a camcorder
Boredom makes you do stupid things. Never document them with a camcorder. Unless you want to be in heavy rotation on YouTube for the next two months.

broken humorous arm bone
There is nothing humorous about a broken bone.
P.S. Learn to spell, dumbass.

my tiny kingdom of sex
Anne? Care to field this one?

biggest prick of all time
My new tagline.

Tales of a Recovering Misanthrope
No, this is my new tagline.

is it ok to have a birthday party at preschool class
You should probably ask your child's teacher and not Google.

valentine day cheap stuff
You could make a Cheerios necklace.

monkey game called monkey pooh fights
I have no idea what this means. But it makes me giggle every time I read it.

top 100 hair band songs of all time
Must resist the temptation to actually compile this list. Unless Sarah does it too.

moron kids that kick there dad in the head
I think in this case it's the dad that's the moron, not the kids.

how to take care of an imaginary cats
Don't bother. Just cart it off to the Imaginary Animal Shelter.

there's no I in team but there are 4 in idiot
No. But there are six in putz.

group sex in the suburbs
In your dreams, pal.

Teach Heimlich maneuver using the hokie pokie
You put your left hand in
You put your right hand in
You put 'em together
And you thrust and thrust and thrust.

Sorry, folks. It's late and I'm punchy.

house of fellatio
Beats the International House of Pancakes, House of Blues, and House of Representatives every day of the week.

would you have wicked game-chris isaak as your wedding song?
Not if I had wanted to remain married.

don't tell mom we killed babysitter
I hope this person was searching for the similarly-named movie.

she's my robot i tell her what to do butthole
Favorite. Search. Ever.

Song of the day: Rat Trap by Boomtown Rats