Thank God I Didn't Buy Her Edible Underwear Instead

Because I am a cheap bastard and Ella digs homemade gifts, Zoey made a Cheerios necklace for Ella for Valentine's Day. Ella has worn it with great pride several times this past week.

Last night we went to Zed's favorite pizza place for his birthday. Because Zoey was tired of hearing "birthday boy" nonstop for the previous forty-eight hours, she ordered asked Ella to wear the Cheerios necklace to the restaurant.

We had a pleasant meal: no tantrums, no spilling of drinks, and no throwing of food. I don't think the other patrons even knew we were there.

Until we were readying to leave, that is.

Ella lifted Zed from his highchair. She held him in her arms while l helped Zoey load all her necessities (crayons, coloring books, ponies, etc.) back into the diaper bag.

And then Zoey froze. I didn't know what was going on. She pointed at Zed and started screaming, "ZED'S EATING YOUR NECKLACE MOMMY!!!"

And that's when all hell broke loose.

Song of the day: King Of Beers by Too Much Joy