This Picture Is Probably Worth Three Words

I tuned into FOX tonight expecting to see Game 1 of the ALCS between the Yankees and the Twins, but for some reason they were showing a Tigers-Athletics game. The hell?

If you're a regular reader of my site, you know I had a bet going with Mrs. Fortune. A bet I was sure I was going to win. But I didn't.

If the Yankees had beaten the Tigers (which they might have if anyone remembered how to drive in a run), she would have sent me a basket of delicious goodies. But since the Yankees lost to the Tigers, I have to post a picture of myself wearing a Red Sox shirt.

Zed and I went looking for a t-shirt on Monday, but none of the local Goodwills had any Red Sox shirts. So I was forced to go the mall. I went to Sports Fan Attic (which, in addition to being quite a clever play on words, is quite a cool store) and checked out the shirts. I looked for a current Sox shirt, something along the lines of Third Place AL East, 2006, but I guess they don't commemorate such things. Go figure. So I hit the clearance rack and found the shirt in the picture below.

And believe it or not, it didn't burn my skin when I put it on my body. But I do feel very unclean. I will take twenty showers after I post this.

Now, before you look, I have to warn you: I kind of look like a serial killer. So if you have any small children, you might want to make them leave the room before you proceed.

Update: One thing I neglected to mention earlier was the only stipulation to our bet: I only had to leave the picture online for seventy-two hours. Guess what? Time's up!

Thank you all for your lovely comments.