Welcome To Paigecentric Wednesday

So Much Bad Music, So Little Time

Voting has begun for Paige Maguire's Shittiest Mix Tape Challenge. My personal favorite? Debbie's mix tape. Take a look at her offering:

Steve Miller Band Abracadabra
Crash Test Dummies Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Shania Twain Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
USA For Africa We Are The World
Starship We Built This City

She did an amazing job! So go check out all the mix tapes and vote for your favorite (or should that be least favorite?). Marvel at all the incredibly bad music represented in those mixes. The winner gets a t-shirt from 60 Bugs.

Hell, I'm Not Even A Semi-Cool Dad

You can find me over at Cool Mom Picks today. Yeah, I realize I'm neither cool nor a mom, but Kristen asked me to contribute something for their Father's Day week celebration. If you're so inclined, you can read my piece on Rock-N-Romp (incidentally, Paige runs the Austin Rock-N-Romp).

I would really love to start one in my area, but my town barely supports a local music scene, let alone one that includes kids.

Update: I'm an idiot. I didn't realize it at the time, but this post should've been called Welcome To Paigecentric and Debbiecentric Wednesday. It turns out that the Debbie who created my favorite shittiest mix tape is also the same Debbie that founded Rock-N-Romp. Heh. Small world.