Miscellaneous Debris

The Second Child Gets The Shaft

Zed has become totally enthralled with dropping things from his highchair. We'll give him something to occupy his time while we (try to) eat, but most of our mealtime is spent picking up various objects he has intentionally dropped and handing them back to him, only to have him drop them again 4.6 seconds later. He has us trained very well.

Tonight, we went out to eat. After he had dropped his pacifier for the 6,386th time, the waiter accidentally kicked it. The waiter picked it up and offered to go to the kitchen and wash it. We told him we'd be fine. He insisted. Once again, we refused. He reluctantly gave the pacifier to Ella, who dipped it in her iced tea and handed it to Zed. You could tell by the look on the waiter's face he was pretty skeeved out. He must've thought we were the nastiest family in the world!

Look. When Zoey was a baby, we were much more neurotic better parents. If she dropped her pacifier, we would immediately pick it up, boil it in water, and call in a priest to bless it before handing it back to her. Zed? He's the second child. The second child gets the shaft. Unless it falls in toxic waste, we'll just give the pacifier back to him.

I'd like to meet Mr. Waiter down the line after he's had two kids and then hear his position on pacifier cleansing.

Narcikidstic Sites

Added a few sites over the weekend that you guys need to check out if you aren't already familiar with them. First two "mom sites": Grumppopotamus (which is a much more clever term than the phrase we use, crank-ass) and Home On The Fringe (love the logo, which is how the world looks to me most mornings). Go ahead, check them out. I'll wait.

Back? Good. The next site I'd like to make you aware of is parent hacks, "a collaborative weblog of practical parenting wisdom." They're off to a great start and I encourage all parents (even you seasoned pros) to check them out.

And In This Corner, Weighing In At 34 Pounds, Zoey The Marauder

My girls have been fighting lately. A lot. I don't know what the problem is. Last night, their problems came to a head (foreshadowing pun).

Ella told Zoey she couldn't do something. Zoey got up in Ella's face and started grumbling. Ella once again told her, "No!" Zoey then proceeded to head butt Ella. We were too shocked to do anything but laugh, which just made Zoey even madder.

No more WWE Monday Night Raw for Zoey. Just kidding. Only Zed and I watch it. Just kidding again! I haven't watched wrestling since I was eight years old and found out it was fake. I think that explains why I'm so disillusioned now.

I didn't think daughters started having problems with their mothers until they became teenagers. We're in for a long, bumpy ride.

Do they have military preschools?

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

On Monday, I read on Rude Cactus that this is Delurking Week (De-Lurking Week? Sorry. Anytime I see hyphenated words like that I'm reminded of the late, great T. Herman Zweibel.). I have since seen many other sites follow suit. Anyway, the deal goes like this: if you're a lurker on this site, this week is when you're supposed to come out of hiding and leave a comment. I would also encourage my regular readers and first-timers to do the same. I've only had double-digit comments on six of my entries. And four of those were about sex, diarrhea, and/or vomiting. Says something about you guys, no?

So please leave a comment. Here, I'll even make it easy it for you. Just copy and paste the following sentences:

I commented. Happy, Mr. Narcissist?

Now just sign your name and leave your web address. Wasn't that easy? And fun?

Stroke my ego!