Sounds Like Someone's A Little Too Ready For Halloween

Today, I was feeding Zed a bottle while Zoey was making bread with her Play-Doh toaster.

Zoey: Daddy, will you help me?
Me: Daddy's feeding Zed right now, honey. You're doing a fine job of making your bread.
Zoey: I need help making blood.
Zoey: I need help making blood.
Me: Blood?
Zoey: Yes.
Me: Did you say blood?
Zoey: Yes!

Her reply was accompanied with a look that said, "Dude, what's your problem? Are you dumb, deaf, or both?"

Me: What are you going to do with the blood?
Zoey: Stick the bread together!

Of course! What was I thinking? I seem to recall the use of blood as an adhesive agent on an episode of Martha Stewart Living.

All kidding aside, I think it's time to line up a kiddie shrink. Between the blood sandwiches and her reading my mind, we're running out of time.

GHS: 5