GHS: The Gray-Hair Scale

I've been noticing lately that my hair is turning gray. Not just a few strands here and there, we're talking g-r-a-y.

And though I realize each day I'm another day older, I can't help but feel Zoey and Zed (and in some cases, Ella) are accelerating the graying process. But Ella says it looks sexy.

She's lying, right? That's just something women say (like it's just right, I've never done that before, of course I'm eighteen, etc.) to make us guys feel better, right? Can I get some feedback from the moms in the audience on this one?

Anyway, I've decide to append each entry from here on out with the Gray-Hair Scale, a number from zero to ten that corresponds to the number of gray hairs I can expect to receive from that incident. Why stop at ten? Because I don't think there's anything traumatic enough to give you more than ten gray hairs (unless you're a character in a crappy Crash Test Dummies song).

But, hey, at least I'm not going bald.


Update: Many thanks to Susan over at Friday Playdate for sending over her Mom Army to weigh in on the issue.