Spreading The Love (And The Hate)

First, the love:

  • Many thanks to Rebel Dad for mentioning me on his site on Monday. It was nice having someone read my site for a change that wasn't Ella, me, or someone looking for wiffle ball variations.
  • Pampers recently began a customer rewards program (although they don't really advertise it). If you buy a box of diapers, you will find a sticker on each of the bags inside the box. The sticker has an expiration date (which might lead one to wonder, "Diapers expire? Go tell that to the landfills."), an 866 number, and a 15-digit code. If you go to their web site, you can enter your codes and receive merchandise once you've saved up enough points. And the best part? Unlike most programs like this that end before you're able to save up points for the big-ticket items, this promotion doesn't end until 12/31/2006. Of course, with the way Zed goes through diapers, we'll be able to have two of every item on the list.
  • Much like a horrible automobile accident, I can't stop gawking at Parents Behaving Badly. I just hope you don't see me featured there one day.
Now, the hate:
  • Zoey will not be playing soccer this fall. There was not enough interest in her age group; the YMCA was not able to even fill two teams. I have heard that the Y around here is going downhill fast. This is why.
  • Pretend your six-month-old baby has a cold. It's 6:30 PM on a Sunday night and you decide to go to Target to buy some Infants' Tylenol Cold Plus Cough. It's in stock, but you can't buy it. Want to know why? Because people are using this medication and others like it to make crystal meth, Target only sells this medicine through their pharmacy. Pharmacy's closed? Too bad. Hope Junior feels better in the morning. Freakin' junkies.