
A little over a year ago, a local nonprofit support group came to me and asked me to take over as chair.


"Are you insane?"

"I've never done anything like this before in my life."

"I'm afriad of people."

Despite the negativity swirling in my head, I did it. I'm still afriad of people. I'm still insane. So insane, I'm doing it for another year.

Like I said, it's a small, local nonprofit support charity. The hours can be long, depending on the time of the month. There is no pay. We have our support meetings in a high school gymnasium and our board meetings at a coffee shop. Our offical business phone number is my cell phone.

I have really enjoyed what we've done the past year. I feel we have made a big difference in the lives of many families in our town.

One thing I didn't like? The fundraising.

We raised over $35,000 this past year for our projects. Despite a down economy, this was a record amount for this group. So, YAY US!

But I hated knocking on the doors of businesses, shaking hands, making eye contact, talking, and asking for goods and services. I am not a people person. I am not a good speaker.

I stuttered. I sweated. My hands shook. But it was worth it.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because that's what I'm doing today, too.


Wait! Don't hit the back button!

I don't want your money.

I just want your time.

And hell, I don't even need much of that.

You probably know Kevin of Always Home And Uncool.

You probably know that his daughter was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis nearly eight years ago.

You probably know that he tirelessly champions The Cure JM Foundation for Juvenile Dermatomyositis and Juvenile Polymyositis and in October, convinced 14,328 parentbloggers to post an article about Cure JM Awareness Day on their 14,328 blogs.

You probably know that Cure JM is taking part in the Pepsi Refresh Project.

You probably know that if Cure JM is one of the top 2 vote getters for the month of August, they'll receive a check from Pepsi for $250,000.

You probably know Cure JM is currently ranked #2 and would really like to remain there when the clock strikes midnight.

You probably know there are three ways you can vote each day (text message, Facebook, Pepsi's site) to ensure Cure JM remains at #2.

But in case you didn't, you do now.

There are six days left. Help Cure JM get that check for $250,000.