Kids Today Do NOT Have It Easy

A few weeks back, when I mentioned that we were using our Dance Dance Number Recognition game to assist Zoey in recognizing numbers up to 100, some of you were astonished to learn that number recognition and writing were prerequisites for kindergarten. Well, let me let those of you with toddlers in on a little secret: things have changed drastically since you were in kindergarten. Preschool is the new kindergarten, kindergarten is the new first or second grade, and I am the new black.

Ok. I am not the new anything. I was just seeing if you guys were paying attention.


As I was reading Zoey's homework instructions to her the other evening, I started thinking of all the ways Zoey's version of kindergarten differs from the one I experienced 30+ years ago:

Kindergarten '07Kindergarten '76
Class Size2210
NameIdentify and write full name (and not in ALL CAPS).Respond when the teachers says your name.
CountingCount and write to 100.Count to 3. The Einsteins in the class could count to 5.
PenmanshipWrite all lowercase and uppercase letters and some simple words.Coloring inside the lines.
HomeworkEvery Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night.Showing up for school the next day.
NapsI wish! Zoey turns into a monster every evening at 6:30 PM. You can set your watch by it.Yes. We slept on little mats that were about as thick as a dime.
Shoe TyingVelcro, bitches!Yes. I think this was our major accomplishment of the year.
AffectionDon't even think about it, Zoey!I received my first kiss in kindergarten.

Did I leave anything off the list?

Song of the day: No Myth by Michael Penn