If She Was Half As Smart As She Thinks She Is, I'd Have A Future Nobel Prize Winner On My Hands

On the way to school:

Zoey: I shouldn't be in kindergarten. I should be in first grade.
Me: But you'd miss all your new friends!
Zoey: They can just come with me.
Me: Why do you think you should be in first grade?
Zoey: Because I already know all this kindergarten stuff.

I have no idea where she gets all this confidence from. I wish some of it would rub off on me.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to stick a few pins in my Big Papi Voodoo Doll in preparation of this weekend's sweep of the Sox. Whose arm do you think will fall off this weekend: Clemens or Dice-K? Or both?

Song Of The Day

Motherbumper is back again today with another great song for your listening pleasure. This time, she talks about the song that got her kicked out of a van.

Continuing on my trip down the road of Motherbumper's youth, I found this one while searching on YouTube. I laughed so hard when I accidentally tripped over this song the other night; I haven't listened to it in ages. It will always be "the song that got me kicked out of the van, onto the side of the road, forcing me to walk back to town because I played one too many times" song from 1990.

Nowadays if a boyfriend kicked his girlfriend out onto the side of the old highway, forcing her to walk the last five miles, there would be a committee established to define "how much of an asshat can boyfriends be to annoying girlfriends" or something like that. But back in the good ol' days I got what I deserved for abusing the tape deck (yes, tape deck - gah, I'm feeling old).

Song of the day: In Green Fields by Big Drill Car