Zoey The Burgeoning Sociopath

Zoey had just come in from her friend's house. Her friend's mom let the girls plant seeds and flowers in her garden this afternoon and even let the girls decorate their own trowels for the occasion.

"You sure do have a lot of nice moms in your preschool class," I told her. "I'm going to miss them next year."

"What do you mean?" she asked me.

Oops. It was time for the talk.

"Well Zoey, next year you'll all be going to kindergarten. Not all of the kids in your class will be going to the same school as you. And I don't know how many of them will be in your kindergarten class next year."

"I know, Daddy. But sometimes you meet new friends. And then you get over it."

What have I been teaching this child?

Song of the day: We Belong by Pat Benatar