See? I Told You My Kids Would Be Better Off If They Were Raised By Wolves!

I heard about it on the news this morning as I was getting dressed. According to a study released by the National Institutes of Health, children that spend time in daycare are likely to have more behavioral problems and worse vocabulary skills than those who do not spent time in daycare.

No worries, right? WRONG!

According to the parameters of the study, childcare was defined as scheduled care by anyone other than the child’s mother for at least 10 hours per week. Since I am a stay-at-home dad and my children spend an average of fifty hours per week in my sans-mom care, that makes me a childcare provider who is making his children more aggressive and less articulate by his mere presence.

So to all you stay-at-home dads, single fathers, and pops who spend more than ten hours a week with your children away from Mom's watchful eye: CONGRATULATIONS! WE ROCK SUCK!

According to the study, our children will be on par with their classmates by age eleven. They'll only be "normal" after they've been away from our evil clutches for five to six years. So there is hope for our poor children!

But I did manage to find a silver lining in this study. When I decide to reenter the workforce, I'll be able to put Childcare Provider on my resume to explain my 8+ year Lost Weekend gap.

Song of the day: Smooth Up In Ya by BulletBoys