Miscellaneous Debris III


Zoey: I want to draw!
Ella: Honey, it's late. Besides, it's dark in the car. You won't be able to see.
Zoey: I want to draw!
Ella: Go to sleep.
Zoey: Rowwwwwwwrrrrrr!!!!
Me: laughter
Zoey: Daddy, don't talk to Mommy. She's grumpy!
Me: more laughter


Ella: When are you going to cut your hair?
Me: Eventually.
Ella: How about for my birthday? That would be a great present!
Me: Sorry.
Ella: At least trim that goatee! It's looking scraggly.
Me: Cut your hair! Shave your goatee! You make me feel like a teenager.
Ella: Maybe if you stopped trying to look like one...


Zoey: I don't like this frickin' red crayon.

That's Ella's word, not mine. Really, what's the point? Why bother saying a word like fricking when everyone knows you mean fucking? You're not fooling anyone, babe.


As I was driving home from taking Zed to the doctor today, we passed our friendly neighborhood strip joint. There was a sign out front annoucing the opening of a restaurant inside the place (because every loves a good dinner and a peep show). Look, if you're spending so much time at a strip joint that you need to stop to eat, it's time to go home for the night. Seriously.

The name of the restaurant? Harry Beaver's Cafe.

I love a good pun as much as the next person, but try a little harder, fellows. What's wrong? Was Mike Hunt's Grill already taken?


Tomorrow, I'm going to start posting my Top 100 Albums Of All Time. Actually, that's a bit of a misnomer. There are only five albums on my list that were released prior to 1970. Only four albums on my list were released in the past seven years. Apparently, once I got married and starting having children, I started tuning out the world around me new music.

Anyway, here's a breakdown by decade:
1966 - 1970: 5
1970 - 1979: 13
1980 - 1989: 44
1990 - 1999: 34
2000 - 2006: 4

Not only is my list heavily skewed towards the 80s and 90s, but twenty-one of my selections come from a two-year period, 1988-1989.

What will you find if you come back tomorrow? Plenty of hair bands, some punk, a little bit of rap, and lots of angry music.