Self-Promotion Friday (Because I Have Been Up Working Well Past Midnight Every Night This Week And Really Don't Have The Energy To Say Anything Else)

I was named Blog of the Week over at Overwhelmed With Joy!. I truly appreciate all the nice things she said about me. She also did a five-question interview with me. Come on. You know you want to read it.

Also, you may have noticed that I am running BlogAds on my site. See? Over there in the left column? If you've got a product or site you'd like me to pimp, by all means have your people call my people. We'll work something out. Or you can just click the little Advertise here link. Whatever works for you. They're affordable and I've been told they make great Father's Day gifts.

And yes, I realize that my title was damn near longer than my actual entry.

Good night.