How To Reconnect With Your Neighborhood (Another Exercise in Haiku)

Winter is over.
Springtime brings everybody
Outdoors once again.

How does one try to
Awaken relationships
From hibernation?

Cookout? Ball game? What
Makes your neighbors come calling?
This in your driveway:

They peer out windows.
Gawk as they drive by your home.
They speak in hushed tones.

They ring your doorbell
Or stop as you're mowing or
Playing with the kids.

Nosy Caring neighbors and
Ones you didn't know you had
Ask the same questions.

First question's always:
"Is everybody ok?"
"Wife's a little bruised.

Got back spasms, too.
But it's nothing a little
Alcohol won't cure."

Second question is:
"Were the children in the car?"
"Thankfully, they weren't."

Third question isn't
A question at all; only
"They really hit her.

Judging by the dent,
It looks as if they hit her
Without slowing down!"

Tired of this exchange,
All I can do is reply,
"Thanks for dropping by!"

Satisfied, they leave
With just one piece of gossip:
"Chag needs a haircut."

Get Thee Behind Me, Spawn Of Satan (An Exercise In Haiku)