Zoeypalooza 2005 -- Day One

Today was Zoey's third birthday. Ella, Zed, and I started the day by going to her bedroom and singing Happy Birthday as she woke up (well, Ella and I sang; Zed only smiled and grunted every so often). Unfortunately, this didn't go quite as planned. Zoey looked at us as if it to say, "People, let me have my coffee and read the paper before you spring this crap on me." She then puffed out her bottom lip. Ella picked her up before the crying began.

Nothing like tears to start your birthday!

We took her downstairs and gave Zoey her gifts. We got her a chalkboard (it's an easel-shaped contraption; on one side you use chalk and the other side you use dry-erase pens) and one of these Dora thingies (even though she rarely watches Dora The Explorer anymore, she still loves All Things Dora). That evening we took her to dinner at Chuck E. Cheese's.

We interrupt this entry to bring you the following trivia question:

Which is more expensive?
  1. fifty pounds of filet mignon
  2. ten pounds of caviar
  3. dinner for four and a half at Chuck E. Cheese's
If you answered c, congratulations! Not only are you correct, but you're also a parent!

Here's what we got:
  • a large pepperoni pizza
  • four salads
  • four drinks
  • one kid's drink
All for the low, low price of forty-four bucks and change. And we had a coupon! And it's not like their pizza is that great, either. But that's where Zoey wanted to go. What Zoey wants, Zoey gets. At least on her birthday. Okay, every day.

I believe Chuck E. Cheese's could possibly be one of the circles of Hell. If you go there on a Friday night, the place is wall-to-wall kids. Add to that the cheesy animatronics animals, the cheesy videos, the racket coming from the skee-ball and whack-a-mole games, and you've got the recipe for a migraine.

I will give Chuck E. Cheese credit for one thing, though. When you enter the premises, they stamp you and your child with the same number that can only be seen under a black light. They might take all your money while you're there, but at least they make sure you'll leave with your child.