Just Your Average Friday Morning Freak Out

As the kids and I were cleaning up after breakfast, I could hear Zoey muttering from the other room, "Where is it? Where is it?"

"Where is what?" I asked her as I walked into the living room.

"My bracelet. I put it in my shoe and it's not there anymore."

I freaked out and began lecturing her. I told her if Zed swallowed it, he would choke (he still puts EVERYTHING into his mouth (of course, so does his sister)). So Zoey and I ransacked the house looking for the stupid bracelet. Finally, I called Ella.

Me: Do you know anything about a red bracelet?
Ella: Yeah. She brought it down this morning and put it in her shoe. I put it on the counter when she wasn't looking.
Me: Why didn't you tell me about it?
Ella: I figured she would forget about the bracelet.

So I brought Zoey over and told her that I knew where the bracelet was and explained to her that she couldn't leave items that small within Zed's reach.

Zoey: Oh, I knew he didn't swallow it.
Me: How?
Zoey: I rubbed his tummy and I couldn't feel it. Then I looked in his mouth.

Now why didn't I think of that?

Song of the day: We Are All Made Of Stars by Moby