Guess What? Not All Children's Music Sucks!

As regular readers of her site know, The Lovely Mrs. Davis attended a ComiCon back in October. She saw a comic called The Amazing Cynical Man, thought of me, and picked up two issues and sent them to me. How cool is that? She also sent a mix CD of children's music and while I like to turn up my nose to most children's music, most of the songs on the CD were actually quite good.

Songs My Kids And I Loved

Erin Flynn Twinkle and Mary Mack
For Twinkle, Flynn blends the lyrics of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star with lyrics of her own for a trippy little song. Mary Mack is a great nonsensical kids' song that starts out slow and gains speed before turning into full-fledged punk (I really enjoyed this one).

Lunch Money Tricycle
This song is funky and I probably shouldn't be saying this, but I find Molly's voice very sexy. And the lyric "You're lucky 'cause your street is bumpy" is one of the best examples of childspeak I've ever heard in song. This is my favorite song on the disc.

Elizabeth Mitchell Three Little Birds
Normally, I hate reggae music. I also hate songs where kids sing on them. Despite the fact that Three Little Birds is a cover of the Bob Marley classic where Mitchell's son shares the vocal duties, it works. I really like the feel to this song. The twenty-five-year-old version of me would've hated this song (hell, he probably would've hated all of these songs). But he's long gone. This is my daughter's favorite song on the disc.

The Zambonis Hockey Monkey
A punky song about a hockey-playing monkey? Pure genius. This is my son's favorite song on the disc.

Songs My Kids Loved But I Didn't

Frances England Sometimes
I don't care much for the yodeling (or whatever you want to call it), but my kids eat it up.

The Quiet Ones How Fast Can You Run?
An upbeat little song with some nice horns. I truly believe the only reason my daughter likes this song is due to her competitive nature.

A song I liked that my kids had no interest in whatsoever

Mr. David Pearl
I think this song was a bit slow and folksy for my kids' tastes, but I love it, especially the harmonies.


There's much more to children's music than just Laurie Berkner, Dan Zanes, and (ugh) The Wiggles. You can hear samples and, in some cases, download mp3s of most of these songs if you click on the links (all the links take you to the artists' websites except Erin Flynn, which takes you to CD Baby).